Check LS/Chaos deck list
Lightsworn cards:
-2 Judgement Dragon
-Ehren, LS monk
-Felis , LS archer
-2 Garoth , LS warrior
-Gragonith, LS dragon
-3 Jain, LS paladin
-Jenis, LS mender
-3 Lumina, LS summoner
-Lyla, LS sorceress
-Minerva, LS maiden
-Raiden, Hand of the LS
- Ryko, LS hunter
-2 wulf LS beast
-2 Black luster soldier ( Chaos sorcerer is a good replacement because BLS is dlc)
-2 Tour guide from the underworld
-2 phantom of chaos
-3 Necro gardna
-2 monster reincarnations
-Charge of the light brigade
-Beckoning Light
(There is room left in the deck for you to influence the playstyle and add in cards you feel would help you work it best.)
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